Innovative and interactive multiplication tables
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Table No. First Addition Second Addition Third Addition Fourth Addition Fifth Addition Sixth Addition Seventh Addition Eighth Addition Ninth Addition
1 1 + 3 4 + 5 9 + 7 16 + 9 25 + 11 36 + 13 49 + 15 64 + 17 81 + 19
2 2 + 4 6 + 6 12 + 8 20 + 10 30 + 12 42 + 14 56 + 16 72 + 18  
3 3 + 5 8 + 7 15 + 9 24 + 11 35 + 13 48 + 15 63 + 17    
4 4 + 6 10 + 8 18 + 10 28 + 12 40 + 14 54 + 16      
5 5 + 7 12 + 9 21 + 11 32 + 13 45 + 15        
6 6 + 8 14 + 10 24 + 12 36 + 14          
7 7 + 9 16 + 11 27 + 13            
8 8 + 10 18 + 12              
9 9 + 11                

These are the 45 additions you did.
See the rhythmic additions accross the rows and the columns.
No additions were required for the last table.
Isn't it interesting?

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